Breanna Reed MA LPCC ATR-BC

Hi! I’m Breanna Reed. I’m an Art Therapist specializing in Anxiety, Spirituality, and Depression. I have experience working with people with physical and developmental disabilities, adolescents, and young adults. I’m passionate about incorporating my client’s faith perspectives into the counseling sessions.

I identify as a Christian (Jesus Follower) but love working with individuals from any Spiritual background and wherever they are on their spiritual path. I strive never to impose my beliefs on my clients. I hope everyone feels free to be themselves in a judgment-free zone.

I’m a professor at Bethel University. I teach in their undergraduate and graduate programs. I teach Introduction to Art Therapy and Advanced Child and Adolescent courses.

Education & Affiliations

Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (#3314)

Board Certified Art Therapist (#21459)

ATR Supervisor 

Adjunct Faculty member, Bethel University & Bethel Graduate School

Adjunct Faculty staff, Adler Graduate School

Member, American Art Therapy Association

Board Member, Midwest Affiliation of Christian Counselors

Trained in the Immanuel approach to inner healing

Master’s Degree in Adlerian Counseling and Psychotherapy with an emphasis in Art Therapy and Clinical Counseling, Adler Graduate School, MN

Bachelor’s Degree in Youth Development with a minor in Biblical Studies, North Central University, MN

My Values


Incorporating a client's faith and Spirituality is critical in my approach to healing.


I believe everyone is creative in their own way. Engaging in our creativity is another important facet in healing and growth. 


We all need to feel like we belong. I want to help provide spaces and connections for you to find the people who truly get you. 


Everyone is on their own journey and I'm not here to judge, but to walk alongside you and support you. 

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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